
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Virtual 5k results!

get ready to race!

On Friday night I completed the Runs For Cookies Virtual 5k. I warmed up and stretched before starting off to do 3.1 miles but my lower calves & achillies tendons were still really tight which lead me to take more walking breaks than I planned on. I ran a good amount and my legs feel good today kinda tight just letting me know "hey! we ran more than we have in a week"

The odd thing was when I first started off my calves felt like they could burst. It's a feeling I can't explain and don't understand why it happens. Once I started running it let up a bit but half way thru my ankles and achillies were getting tight and my legs felt like 100 lbs each!

Overall I had fun and the right music always helps me to push thru the rough patches. Here's my time summary. The calorie burn is bogus it's based on a "national average" I called Epic asking how I can set it to my weight and they said manually on the treadmill you can't but once iFit is set up I will be able to set up a profile. I won't be able to do that until next week.

I had a 17:09 minute mile. It's much slower than my 5k times from last year, but I've been sedentary since September. I completed the 5k and I'm really happy about it!

How did everyone else do?


  1. Great job on finishing despite your legs giving you some issues!! You should be very proud! :)

  2. :) that's very well done, girl!!!!
    And--I also like that Katie commented on your blog :),cool!

  3. Congrats on your 5K!! Great job! :-) glad you're loving your treadmill!
