1. Miles With Mom's on April 28, 2012. My time was 49:21 a 15:53 mile pace.
2. Bay Head 5k Memorial Run on May 19, 2012. I was part of a team, we did not come in last but for some reason many of us aren't on the race results page. I can't recall my time at the moment.
3. The Valerie Fund on June 9, 2012 my time was 47:56 a 15:27 mile pace.
After the Valerie fund 5k I was laid up. I hadn't walked/ran in a while and tried to 'cram' in some training a few days before the race. Bad idea, I rested the day before the race. On race day even after warming up and starting the race off walking as soon as I started to run I got fire hot, shooting pain in my shins. I walked, ran and hobbled my way to the finish line. I never had pain like that before. I had shin splints for the first time. Walking or moving using my legs/feet was out of the question, it was that painful I could barely stand to put ice on them!
While recovering my mom got very sick and had an extended stay in the hospital. This derailed my training and good eating habits. I started walking and getting in some long hike with my husband in July but September was getting closer by the day and that meant my big hike was too.
I did the best I could to prepare for Peru, I enjoyed hiking and camping along all 26 miles of the Inca Trail. The altitude was challenging and made everything more difficult but the beauty of the mountains made it all worth it! It was an active vacation we had to walk everywhere and usually uphill!Besides Peru, my husband and I went on 7 other hikes in 2012. Most of them were to train for vacation and some we did after we came home.
After the trip, I came home and rested and just forgot about exercising. I worked hard huffing up those mountains but I put the weight I lost for the trip back on. Thankfully, I didn't let the gaining get out of hand and go beyond where I was when I started.
Today, I started the Couch to 5k for treadmill program. I have to figure out what speeds will work the best for me. I think when I was walking after running I was setting it way to slow. When the 30 minutes were over I felt like I should've felt like I worked harder. But when I was running that 1 minute straight towards the end it seemed like a really loooong minute. Let's see how I feel tomorrow and I'll adjust it on Thursdays walk/run.
In today's 31 minutes I completed 1.5 miles!
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